May 26, 2012

Nanny Goat 100 - 2012

I was totally amped about this race.  Race headquarters was just off the Canal that I train on.  So getting to the Sexton Ranch a day early and scoring a sweet pole position stall for our personal aid station was a success.  Last year Steve slaughtered the 12 hour and I was able to run a dozen miles with him for fun.  I was hooked and it was time for my go at this circus event.  The course consists of a 1 mile loop around the horse ranch.  With a 100 belt buckle already in hand I was looking for a solid 100 mile PR.  On race day it was great having Taylor support me, seeing my parents stop by, being on course with friends, and struggling around a 1 mile loop with so many people who I had gotten to know over the short 1 year span I had been in the ultrarunning world........but it just wasn't my day.  I called it somewhere around the 50k mark. A bit of a scare with the tummy but all appears to be functioning proper a couple of weeks post race.  The food was good, the company great, and I enjoyed watching the success of others. Jana and Richele both completed their first ultra distance race, Harry was able to get to 59 miles in the 12 hour, and Steve won the 24 hour race with 122 miles! Due to the race being so close to my house this will likely become a household staple event.  I see revenge on this course in my future!

*Update. The official results say I hit 34 miles. Yipee. I know I was at that mark in 6 hours ish. So maybe the lesson is that I went out too fast. eh. (06-02-2012)

**I replaced the photos with my rad video...yay!    (02-2013)