July 21, 2012

Angeles Crest 100 - 2012

The excitement leading into the race was not enough to get me to the finish line. My race plan did not go as planned. It was a rough day on a rough course. There were moments of happy and others that were terrible. Thanks to Taylor for being super supportive and congrats to Steve for finishing.

Here is the breakdown of the mess:

 The start was a blast as we took of out of Wrightwood. I hit the first and second aid station almost dead on with my goal times feeling wonderful.....and then bad happened. At about mile 14 to 15 during a brutal uphill section early into the race I kicked a rock or tree root. It startled me and it caused my left knee to completely lock up. It hurt a lot ... but being stubborn me I pushed on and figured over time maybe the knee would get better. When I got to the top of the world I took a short minute break at the Mt Baden Powell sign and gave a monster yell and took off....for about 10 feet. On the downhill I could barely move because I had no strength or support for my left leg. I walked as fast as I have ever done in my life. Taylor rolled out the leg at Islip Saddle and told me to just go....and go I did and managed to get through Eagle's Roost and to 38 miles. The trail was beautiful and consisted of the toughest 38 miles that I have done period. My race came to halt - the time on my Timex past the official cut off. I was done and knew that I would have stopped at this point even if I had not made the cut off to prevent permanent knee damage. It was just weird to have ever thought that I would need to even worry about a cut off. I took a long break on a rock at the bottom of the last incline just short of the Cloudburst aid station. I thought about the effort that I had put in to train solely for this race and how mentally I was gone for a second and it killed my goal. I then thought about the wonderful support from people out there and the happy thoughts that people had sent my way prior to the race. Taylor's encouragement was the last thing I remembered before I felt like I was about to take a nap on the softest rock out there. I was all alone and hadn't seen anyone in a very long time and I was in immense pain and just needed a short break or sleep. Out of nowhere Taylor came down towards me and saved me. It was emotional. I am not sure if there will be a next time, but if there is I will avoid kicking stuff.

I'm alive!  Good thing they checked.

Setting up drop bags

I'm here for the party

Race morning!


Crew Chief Extraordinaire

Roving aid station

Just before the gun.  Chatter

Gear change

Still happy

Struggling into the aid station after having an epic battle with a rock, or tree, or who knows what.

The bliss before the real emotions

The summary of the outcome of the day.  Bummer.

Converted into a crew assistant!  Go Steve

Harry getting the boys set up for the run in to the finish.

And their off into the dark abyss.


One last hill!
Steve and Fenton Cross enjoying being done

Naptime for all

Mandatory trail work includes pink helmets

and attempting to hurt your back


Group shot plus visitor

Good thing Steve knew where to go.

That's all the smile I had in me after that climb.  Harry is an animal!

I hate that climb

..but love the views

Tater sighting!!!