June 12, 2011

Holcomb Valley 33 Mile Trail Run

Running in Big Bear is always fun for me.  It has always been my 2nd home for me.  Going into the race I was feeling a little worried because of the recent knee pain and lack of training.  Taylor, Steve and I headed up for the day for a fun filled day of single track.  This race is no walk in the park and I was beyond under prepared.  The race kicked my booty but I was able to finish - in a very very slow time.  I cramped starting at mile 18 and continued to do so all the way to the point of having to sit on a curb about 100 feet from the finish line.  Lame.  Oh well.  I still had a lot of fun and am happy that I gave it a go.  Revenge is necessary.  Taylor finished her race in a great time and stuck around to volunteer and Steve also kicked butt as usual.  The best part was the wonderful breakfast at the Shack afterwards. 

33 miles - 7:35:01 - 13:47 mpm

Bustin moves before we busted moves on the course!
The struggle to the finish
Happy to be done!
Dude that followed me for 4 hours checking in on me.  Thanks for the talks good sir.


Steve must have missed a turn.  Or he was just taking advantage of the ice bath.

Food time.  All done with this trail!