February 7, 2010

Surf City 13.1 with Team in Training - 2010

So I fundraised for this season and assistant coached. It was a great time with a fun group. The Surf City course after about 4 miles is actually very boring for being right on the beach...but it was still fun with more spectators than I see at most races. I was able to make it all the way to mile 11.5 before I hit the wall and cramped. I am not too sure what the issue is other than maybe not training enough or eating the wrong stuff during the race...but really...who cares?! haha. I had a good time, raised money for a great cause and set another PR on the 13.1 mile distance. Someday I will get into the 1:30's...ooooohhhhh awwww

13.1 Miles - 1:48:44 - 8:18 mpm

Night before the race party with Taylor and "Coach" Steve

Team Pic

Me and these race morning pics just don't do well