November 7, 2009

Santa Barbara 13.1 - 2009

We headed up to Santa Barbara with team in training and had a great time. The hotel was killer, the course was tough, and the support crew (Taylor) was radtastic! I had a great first 6.5 miles and learned that even though training might go well you need to prepare for the entire stinkin' race. The wall was hit...err. I have quite a bit to learn about aid. I had a good race and have plenty of room to improve.

13.1 Miles - 1:54:01 - 8:42 mpm

Race mornings and I don't get along

Team pic - I assistant coached/mentored for the Inland Empire team

Here I come! About half way...this is where the invisible wall slapped me in the face

Almost done!

Happy Dustin

Post race awesome pic with Tater