March 8, 2009

Malibu Creek Trail Run 25k -2009

Yay!!! Finally I did my first trail race! What a blast! I don't think I really need to ever do a road race again. This really felt like home to me. The endurance challenge and then getting out into the wild. I really had a blast and I think this is my future. Long story short is that I was way too excited and went out too fast and then struggled walking up a freakin mountain. I was so done that I could barely move going down the hill and then cramped non stop the last 3 miles. haha. Tons of fun! I can't wait for my next trail race. .... the bummer part... I can't find any pictures from race day =(

25k - 3:08:58 - 12:09 mpm - It's taking me a bit to get use to this significantly slower run time versus road races.