June 25, 2006

San Diego International Triathlon 2006

My first triathlon!!! I was very excited for this ordeal. I had some serious training behind me...so I thought... I am really appreciate for the time spent with the girlfriend showing me around the tri world. Thanks Taylor! Come race weekend Nicole jumped in the car with me and we stayed at Sis and Bro's place in Murrieta and then cruised down to the start on race morning. It all went by in a blur - pre race to finish. I had a blast out there! Thanks to my support crew and all that is awesome I am hooked!

I got a top 10 in my age group! Okay there were only 18 in it...but still I think I rock. Ha

Swim .5K (11:03) - 2:12 pace
Bike 20K (41:28) - 17.98 mph
Run 6K (32:07) - 8:36 mpm

Overall - 1:28:37

First triathlon....yay!

About to start the swim!
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How does this wet thing come off?

Race booty!

Running...not fast enough

Sprint to the finish!!!